Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
archive of angst
Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

Summer 2003 ~ Spring 2003 / Winter 2003
Fall 2002 / Summer 2002 ~ Spring 2002 ~ Winter 2002
Fall 2001 ~ Summer 2001 ~ Spring 2001 ~ Winter 2001

2002-03-31 - Ho Hum, another year
2002-03-25 - My credit card got de-magnetized today.
2002-03-23 - Chasing the Rain
2002-03-19 - Back Online
2002-03-16 - Still Here
2002-03-12 - Productivity is good. Procrastinating is bad.
2002-03-09 - Rock, meet hard place
2002-03-09 - Diana Did What?!
2002-03-05 - zonk
2002-03-01 - Don't Mess With Texas
2002-02-20 - Is It April Yet?
2002-02-17 - The Entry In Which Diana Continues To Hate Presidents' Day Weekend
2002-02-16 - Karaoke Queen
2002-02-14 - Obligatory Valentine's Day Entry
2002-02-10 - Lists
2002-02-09 - Blah Blah Blah Self-Pitycakes
2002-02-09 - 140/1000
2002-02-07 - [resigned sigh]
2002-02-06 - Verbum.
2002-02-05 - Right.
2002-02-03 - I love my neighborhood. Really.
2002-02-01 - There is not enough "whatever" in the world...
2002-01-29 - Darn Gall Bladder!
2002-01-28 - [tired smile]
2002-01-26 - Blaugh.
2002-01-24 - What is up with the motor vehicle thing?
2002-01-20 - Eh.
2002-01-16 - Is it Saturday yet?
2002-01-15 - Bleh.
2002-01-14 - Splat.
2002-01-12 - Spiderwebby
2002-01-09 - What is Success?
2002-01-07 - Bad Car-ma
2002-01-06 - Diana Seaborne, Super-Sloth
2002-01-04 - Grains of Salt
2002-01-03 - Road Rage is Bad, mmmkay?
2002-01-02 - I don't wanna work, I just wanna bang on the drum all day!

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