Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
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(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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Leave me a note

2002-03-31 - 10:30 a.m.

Ho Hum, another year

My birthday was on Thursday, and it seems like for once I actually had a good birthday. People were spoiling me rotten, which, as superficial as that sounds, was really nice. Especially the people at work; I mean, everyone's birthday gets acknowledged, but it seems like mine was really acknowledged. Maybe it's because I'm the baby of the company, at 23. Or maybe it's just because everybody adores me. (Snerk.)

Speaking of the age thing...so, Aph's husband, Vin, has been known to flirt with me. He's cute and he's nice and he's fun, but I was doing my level best to ignore the flirtiness of him. Aph even mentioned this to me at one point, and I guess I kind of froze with an "Oh crap, how do I respond to that?" look on my face. Before I could think of anything to say, Aph told me to loosen up, and that she and Vin have a deal: looking/flirting is okay; touching is not. Whew. I think. (Aph was also drunk at the time, so it's entirely possible that she doesn't remember this conversation. That's fine by me.) Anyhoo, Vin nearly swallowed his tongue when he found out how old (or, in this case, young) I am. It was kind of funny. He was trying to wrap his mind around it, and he asked me, "What year did you graduate high school?"

"1997," I said.

"I graduated from high school in 1984," he replied, still looking at me in shock.

And because I am kind of a bitch, and I felt like torturing, especially if he was going to go all weird about the age difference when he had been the one who started flirting with me, I said, "1984, huh? Wow. That's the year I started kindergarten."

Now twist the knife counterclockwise, right? Heh.


I saw Selena yesterday, for the first time since January. She looked kind of ungood. She's gotten very skinny, and her hair has grown out so that she has about 4 inches of brown roots, and 5 inches of frizzed-out platinum blonde stuff that should just be cut off. She was also wearing a tank top which showed all of her tattoos, and pants low enough for Britney Spears to envy, which may have colored my judgment a bit. I just can't wait until she gets out of that place permanently.


I rearranged my bedroom yesterday. I think I like it this way a lot better. It's less crowded. I also cleaned out my closet. Now I just need to vaccuum.

Actually, I should go clean out the bathroom. The new roommate is moving in today, and it would be nice if she had a place for her toothbrush.

-Diana, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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