Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
archive of angst
Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2001-09-10 - 5:52 p.m.

Sometimes, I don't think I'm a very nice person.

I was accosted by a panhandler on my way out from work this afternoon. It took me by surprise--I've never seen any outside our building before. I didn't give him anything, because I'm a bitch, even though I did have quite a bit on me. (Garage sale money, plus a rather large expense check I was on my way to the bank to deposit.) Actually, that's one of the reasons why I didn't give him anything. Open up my wallet, he could catch me by surprise and walk of with the whole lot. Actually, it's kind of scary, especially since I had to go to my car in the underground parking lot after that.

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm too paranoid. But then I remember early June and what can happen if you're not paranoid enough... ::shudder::

Jasmine's (my other housemate, I don't think I've talked about her before) car was broken into while she was at the movies on Friday night. They broke the driver's side window, scratched the hell out of the dashboard, but didn't manage to get the stereo out. All that damage, and the thugs didn't even get anything.

This is so mean. I think Jasmine is going to annoy me in the same way that Silver annoyed me sometimes. I mean, most of the time, Sil was great, but it annoyed the hell out of me the way she would question everything I did. Last night I was putting away groceries, and I had some frozen berries. Jasmine asks why I would buy frozen berries when I can get them fresh. Because I bought the frozen ones, dammit! Or, when I was cooking something I few days ago, she asked why I was using the pot I was using. Well, because it was the only pot I had. It's little stupid things like that. Maybe she's only asking out of simple curiousity, but it's just that the questions take on this tone...

Or perhaps I'm annoyed because Jasmine is very, very vegetarian--to the point that we have to go find her and warn her if we're going to be cooking any meat, because she says the smell makes her sick. And we can't put any meat on the shelves in the fridge where she has her food, and she won't use any of the dishes, cookware, or flatware that we've used to cook meat. (That's why I was using my pot that one time--I didn't want to contaminate hers.) Selena and I have been good about this...but then Jasmine goes and cooks the foulest -smelling stuff, without turning on a fan or opening windows. Talk about getting sick from a smell! And then everything in the fridge gets that smell. I mean, I can't drink sodas straight from the can because the can gets that smell. Gah. (I hate Indian food, but that's my problem to deal with, I guess.)

But it's things like this that annoy me, and I can't help but think, damn, I'm a bitch. And not in a good way.

In (sort of) better news, my mother sold her house, so that's one less thing for her to worry about. Unfortunately, because her realtor bungled the initial offer, my mom's getting $20,000 less than she could have. Bah. And the people buying the house are the people with the bitch realtor who came barging into the house without calling first or even ringing the doorbell. It sucks. I wish that nice people would be living in the house. But at this point, Mom just wants it sold, and I guess I can't really blame her. It's just kind of too bad.


-Diana, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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