Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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2003-01-27 - 10:54 a.m.

Sweet Home California

I survived my vacation.

Fifteen minutes before my flight touched down in Phoenix last Sunday, the woman sitting next to me had a stroke. That's two flights I've been on in the last year where we've had a medical emergency. So, no more, okay, please? (It's a hell of a lot scarier when it's the person sitting next to you than it is when it's some random passenger twelve rows up.)

On Monday, my grandmother and Aunt Co managed to piss off my one of my uncles (my grandmother's second child, henceforth known as #2) so badly than #2 packed up his wife and kid and took off. They drove for something like 8 hours to get to Scottsdale, and then took off after less than 24 hours. I still don't know the full story about what happened, but it seems quite likely that my grandmother and #2 won't be speaking ever again. Aren't family reunions fun?

On Tuesday, I sprained my ankle in the Safeway parking lot. There were two employees who started panicking immediately, probably thinking I was going to sue. They kept asking me if I was okay, and I kept saying "Ow," but on my second attempt to stand up, I was able to do so, and now a week later the ankle is mostly fine (for me). I think they were also freaking out because I had thrown my left hand out to break my fall, and ended up cutting myself and bleeding a lot. Gross.

On Wednesday, I went to a musem that had an exhibit of Ansel Adams pictures that was pretty cool. I also got to go to the park with two of my little cousins and ride on train that went around the playground.

On Thursday, nothing happened that seems worth remembering.

On Friday, I went shopping with Mom and Sis, which is always an experience. Ugh. The less said, the better. Friday was also the day that Sis got to pitch a fit because we went out to dinner, but the restaurant my grandmother picked didn't have any vegan choices.

On Saturday, I got to spend two hours playing Barbies with my five-year-old cousin. She was cracking me up, explaining how Barbie could only wear her super-high heels to the disco, and not to go running. (How does a 5-year-old know about discos?)

What else? During my vacation, I read all four Harry Potter books--twice; I picked up a nasty cold from the 18-month-old; I listened to an incredible amount of bitching; I gleefully did not check my work email; and I did about 37 jigsaw puzzles with various members of my family. My family can even turn doing jigsaw puzzles into a competition. Some people can suck the fun out of anything. Sigh.

Yesterday, I drove back from Pheonix with Aunt and Uncle Co (13 hours!). Then I picked up my car from their place and drove home. It was the first time I had been alone in more than a week, and it was amazing. I sat there thinking, "I could go wherever I want right now, and no one could stop me!" Heh. So I went to the drugstore to buy more cold medicine, and then I went home. I arrived just in time to see Tampa Bay finish humiliating Oakland (ha!).

Tomorrow, I have to go back to work. Today I plan to recover from my vacation.


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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