Diana's Diary

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2001-03-03 - 02:44:01

Dreamology 101

So, I took a nap this afternoon, and I had the most bizarre dream. Well, I don't know, maybe it wasn't all that bizarre, but since I don't usually remember dreams, and I remembered this one, I guess it must mean something.

It was very realistic, sort of. When it started off, I was taking a nap. (In the dream, I mean. Maybe that's why it seemed so real.) Paris and her pals was being loud out in the living room, and so I decided to go and unplug the cable on them. After I did that (the outlet is in my closet), I decided to continue my nap in the closet. Then there's a period that I don't really remember, and then suddenly I was waking up in my bed again. But I wasn't really waking up, I was only waking up in my dream. And so then I went out into the living room and discovered that the television was missing. I was pissed. There was a note on my desk from Paris telling me that it would cost $57 to get the TV back. I went over to our neighbors apartment looking for Paris, only I went to the wrong apartment, and then I was all turned around, and our building suddenly had a completely different geography than it had had before. I never did find Paris. But then Silver explained to me that Paris had had to give the television to our landlord for some reason. I asked why the VCR and TV stand had to go, too. Silver didn't have an answer. And then I woke up, for real.

It's strange. Because I had been sleeping in the dream, when I woke up, I was ready to go kick Paris's ass about the TV. Needless to say, I was a bit disoriented.

I wonder what a dream analyst would make of this? Well, the whole TV thing is pretty obvious--the television belongs to me, and so my subconscious was manifesting my fears that Paris is taking my stuff. (Heh. Here's a thought. Since I unplugged the cable in the dream, it would have looked like the TV was broken. Maybe Paris was really taking it to the landlord to get it fixed? Does that mean I'm being irrational about all of this?) Interesting. Usually my dreams (at least, the ones that I actually remember) aren't this clear. Gah. So what am I supposed to do about it?

-Di (who has a headache)

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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