Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
archive of angst
Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2001-03-01 - 05:58:16

Paris must die!

Okay, maybe that's a bit extreme...but lordy, the girl is pissing me off.

Perhaps I should explain that I am REALLY tired of haveing "cute" roommates. My freshman year I lived with AT, who, as JB put it, "has a cute body, an ugly face, and an irritating personality." AT was also a social butterfly, which I am not. Hence, I was basically "that girl who also lives in AT's room," and was viewed by the the other people on my floor as AT's personal answering service. And being awakened at 5 am when she came into the room and started having phone sex scarred me for life. But I'm losing my point--everybody loved AT, and I really didn't. Jealousy or whatever, she had one of those voices that just grates.

Sophomore year I lived with LTC. LTC is currently a cheerleader. Enough said. Well, maybe not. I mean, LTC and I got along pretty well (all of the Orange drama notwithstanding--I'd say we were both pretty mature about that), but LTC is definitely one of those people who was used to being the center of attention. And again, everyone around us loved her. Most of these people at least liked me, too, so LTC was better than AT. But she, too had one of those grating voices.

Then, junior year, I moved into an apartment with Silver and Paris. Silver is cool enough, but we don't really have anything in common, and so we don't hang out or anything. Paris, on the other hand, used to be cool. She was my bud that I'd hang with when LTC and Orange-related drama was getting to be too much. And then she...changed. Turned into a party girl, which is fine by me so long as she doesn't get herself killed or something. Then she turned our apartment into a way station for all of her itinerant friends--without running it by Silver and I first. That's less fine by me. She's inconsiderate and slobby, too. And some of my dishes/appliances have slowly been disappearing. I know I didn't take 'em...and I know for a fact that she took my blender to a party over a month ago, and never brought it back, despite me reminding her several times since then. I don't really have issues with other people using my stuff--I mean, I prefer that they ask first, but with the dishes, I realize that that is just silly, especially since we're roommates. I DO, however, feel justified in being annoyed that she broke one of my Bud glasses. Those were my dad's. I don't have very many things that were his, and when she broke it, she was like, "Oh, no big deal." She didn't even apologize. I mean, yes, it was just a glass. But it was a glass that had belonged to my father, who is dead now. It had sentimental value. Crimeny. And I have no idea where the cookies sheets (among other things) have disappeared to.

Now, it's my senior year. I'm still living with Paris and Silver. I no longer go out into the living room on weekends and trip over six unconscious guy-friends of Paris. No, now I have to deal with CE instead. I'm sure CE is probably an okay guy...I just wish he wasn't here all of the time. I wish he and Paris WOULD STOP MAKING OUT IN OUR LIVING ROOM ALL OF THE TIME! Oh god, when I got back from class on Valentine's Day, I actually heard them having sex. Gah. And when she's with him, Paris gets that annoying grate to her voice. What is UP with that? That grate that's so Valley Girlish. Eh. Maybe I should get earplugs. OR MAYBE SHE SHOULD SHUT THE F--- UP!!! (Sorry, I can hear her giggling right now, and it is wearing on me.)

Venting feels good, doesn't it?

-Diana, too frazzled to sleep

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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