Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
archive of angst
Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2001-03-06 - 23:19:58

Purge: the contents of my upper desk drawer

Took two tests today. Have another one in less than 10 hours. I'm not studying. Nyah. I have four papers due next week. I have already finished one of them. The one that I have finished is the last one that is actually due. Nyah.

I like the way my hair looks when I blow-dry it. My hair is wet right now.

The current contents of my upper-right-hand desk drawer:

- a yellow plastic-handled rotary blade (1" diameter)

- a vial of Clear Eyes ACR eye drops

- a tiny pot of tangerine-flavored lip gloss (mostly empty)

- a 1989 penny

- a pair of those chopstick-looking things that aren't really chopsticks that you use to put your hair up with (black enamel inlaid with mother-of-pearl--my grandmother brought them back for me from China)

- a roll of scotch tape

- a blue flashlight which needs new batteries, cuz the beam is really weak

- an orange Hi-Liter with 6 rubber bands wrapped around it

- a Swingline stapler that is probably older than I am--it doesn't work anymore; I should probably throw it away, but it was my dad's

- a rubber doorstop

- a pink umbrella (closed)

- a pink hairband

- a pack of UHU HOLDiT--that gummy/putty stuff you use to hang up posters when you don't want to wreck the walls

- a pair of Sony headphones

- a metric ruler (centimetres and half-centimetres only--my grandmother brought this back for me from England)

- a beaded necklace--the beads form little white flowers with yellow centers and green leaves

- an package of curtain rings, containing 8 rings

- the plastic core from an empty roll of scotch tape

- a AAA bumper sticker

- a box of Crayola colored pencils (36 colors)

- a tube of Krazy glue

- a plastic leopard-print headband

- a box of Paper-Mate medium ball point pens (blue) (15 pens left)

- a scissors sharpener

- a little case containing a nail clipper, a file, and three other manicure tools that I don't know how to use (a diggy thing, a pushy thing, and a slicy thing, for want of the actual names for them)

- a bent staple, probably from the Swingline

- a twist of thread

- a bit of dust

Why did I list all that? ::Shrug:: Cuz I felt like it. Well. At least, the next time I go looking for a pen, I should remember to check my desk drawer.

-Di, off to blow-dry her hair

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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