Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
archive of angst
Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2003-03-15 - 4:27 a.m.

This Week's Tally

- Pints of blood donated: 1

- Phone calls to my mother: 3

- Airline tickets purchased: 1

- Dr Peppers consumed: 5

- Salary increases: 0

- Career promotions: 0

- New duties added to my job: about 6

- Phone calls to Rhode Island: 4

- Cigarettes smoked: 3

- Incoming calls on my cell phone: 6

- Number of miles (round-trip) driven in pouring rain to go rescue inebriated roommate from bar where all of her "friends" abandoned her: 50.8

- Number of times car skidded scarily (hydroplaned) during above trip: 2

- Highest number of consecutive waking hours: going on 22 now

- Number of times yawned in the last five minutes: 4

It has been a really long week, and I am exhausted. Unfortunately, I think I am exhausted to the point where I can't really sleep, which sucks.

I think that the longest I've ever gone without sleep is about 30 hours. I'm stupid enough right now that I'm actually considering staying up and seeing if I can break that record. Hell, Natalia should be getting up in a couple of hours to get ready for work.

Oh hell, screw that. I'm going to bed.

Good night (morning, whatever).


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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