Diana's Diary

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(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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2001-04-02 - 12:03 a.m.

La-la LAAA la-la

In honor of my busted CD player, I proudly present "Songs to Sum Up a Year."

Senior Year of College (2000-2001)
Babylon, David Grey.
I blame Ian for sending me the lyrics. Damn good song. "Let go of your heart, let go of your head, and feel it now."

Summertime Runner-Up (2000)
Push, Matchbox 20.
It's all about the road trip with JB, and venting anger. "I'm a little untrusting when I think that the truth is gonna hurt ya."

Junior Year of College (1999-2000)
She's Electric, Oasis.
This one is just catchy. Too bad I've never heard it on the radio. "And I want you to know I've got my mind made up now, but I need more time."

Summertime Runner-Up (1999)
Manhattan Project, Rush.
Sis adores Rush, but they usually bore me. Once I actually listened to the lyrics on this one...it gives me chills. "The pilot of Enola Gay crying out at the shockwave on an August day."

Sophomore Year of College (1998-1999)
Save Tonight, Eagle Eye Cherry.
For Orange and I, this was "our song." Enough said. "So take this wine and drink with me, let's delay our misery."

Summertime Runner-Up (1998)
Flagpole Sitta, Harvey Danger.
Again, it's all about the road trip with JB, and learning to cut loose. "Paranoia, paranoia everybody's coming to get me, so say you never met me."

Freshman Year of College (1997-1998)
Motorcycle Drive By, Third Eye Blind.
AT, my roommate that year, was obsessed with 3EB, which is a good thing, because otherwise I probably wouldn't have ever heard this song. Nicely sums up my feelings on Ex. "And this is the last time we'll be friends again; I'll get over you, you'll wonder who I am."

Summertime Runner-Up (1997)
Cryin', Aerosmith.
This song makes me drive too fast, but in the good way. "I was cryin' when I met you now I'm dyin' to forget you."

Senior Year of High School (1996-1997)
Hotel California, The Eagles.
I'd play this song when I was on my way home from school and considering just keeping on driving. The problem, of course, was that I didn't know where I'd end up. "What a nice surprise, bring your alibis."

Summertime Runner-Up (1996)
Counting Blue Cars, Dishwalla.
It didn't matter what time I got off work, or what radio station I was tuned to, this song was always on sometime during the drive home. Considering how much I hated that job (at a video store), this song was a way of letting me know that I made it through another day. "Tell me all your thoughts on God, cos I'd really like to meet her and ask her why we're who we are."


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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