Diana's Diary

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2003-06-29 - 4:34 p.m.

Matchmaker, Matchmaker (Shove It)

You know, I always thought it was girls that were supposed to be the annoying-matchmaker-types, but Holden is way worse than Selena.

Holden's new project is trying to set one of his friends up with one of Selena's friends. Selena is fairly unenthusiastic about the whole thing. Holden insists that it would be a good match, simply because he knows that his friend won't mind the fact that Sel's friend has a 7-year-old son. Okay, yes, if you're a single woman with a child, finding a guy who is okay with that is definitely going to be a hurdle, but that doesn't mean that any schmoe who happens to be okay with kids is automatically Prince Charming.

Besides that, Holden will probably get kind of childishly obnoxious (is petulant the word I'm looking for?) if it doesn't work out. I know that he definitely has a bit of resentment against me for avoiding his matchmaking attempts with his Socially Maladjusted Brother.

Proof #1: Way back in December, Mac asked me to go do something with him. I already had plans for the evening, so I had a nice excuse to get out of it. My evening didn't go as planned, however, as we ended up blowing out a tire on the freeway. Since the vehicle in question had already blown out another tire earler in the day (it was raining horribly), we had to wait for a tow truck. When I finally got home, Mac was there. (I heard his voice when I first opened the door, and was seriously considering fleeing back out into the rain, but Holden saw me.) Anyway, when I described my night, and about having to wait for AAA, Holden got quite snotty. He said, "What, your date"--imagine this word filled with as much contempt as possible--"isn't even capable of changing his own tire?" Basically, trying to emasculate said date, and thus implying that his brother was a real man who could have changed the tire himself. This is funny/stupid for a couple of reasons. 1) As I said, the car had blown another tire earlier in the day, so there wasn't a spare to change. 2) Throughout the story, I referred to my "date" as "my friend," because the person in question was JB. I kept her name out of it because if I had said it was JB, then I would have had to deal with Mac perstering me for details about her, and JB wants absolutely nothing to do with Mac. Anyway, it was Holden who made the leap from "my friend" (female) to "my date" (male), and I didn't bother to correct him, because really, the more I can keep them all guessing about my personal life, the better I feel.

Proof #2: For various reasons, a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend-of-Selena's was over here this afternoon. He is very hot. At one point, I walked into the kitchen smiling, and Holden was all, "What are you smiling about?" I just shook my head. However, once Hot Guy was gone, Selena and I both started gushing about the Hotness of said Guy. Holden was not amused. "So that was what Diana's creepy smile was all about," he said. (For the record, I don't think that the smile I had on my face was creepy. At least, I really hope it wasn't.) Anyway, Holden seemed more put out that I thought Hot Guy was hot than he was that his own fiancee though that Hot Guy was hot. And Selena was doing most of the gushing. Because, you know, how dare I be interested in someone who isn't his brother.

(I ended up telling Selena about all of the reasons why I was pissed at Mac, including the whole "and by the way, I've been monitoring when you go online" thing. I'm sure that Selena has told or will tell Holden about this, which hopefully will prevent him, once and for all, from trying to set us up.)

I'm still considering asking Song if I can borrow Orange for the wedding. (Yes, I really do know that it's a bad idea.)

Such fun.


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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