Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
archive of angst
Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2001-08-11 - 10:25 p.m.

Day of Me!

So, I had my day of me. It ended up being my day of my family.

Began with the realization that I was probably flashing my neighbors. Whoops. Ever since the house has been for sale, my mother has been leaving the drapes open in the den, and so this morning when I came in here in my inappropriate-for-public-view sleeping attire, I sat in front of the window for probably 10 minutes before I realized that I should shut the drapes. D'oh. I'm not usually that much of an exhibitionist.

Then I read some fic, and it was time for me to vacate the premises. I went to Barnes & Noble, which I generally try to avoid, but I had a gift card to spend. I ended up buying Bridget Jones's Diary and The Best American Short Stories of 2000. I spent more than an hour in the store, just wandering around. (I had time to kill, after all. Although, with my sprained ankle, maybe it would have been better spent sitting down somewhere.) I actually saw three different books that were written by people I know through various online writing communities. It's such a weird experience. Then it occurred to me that, for a 22-year-old wannabe-writer, I've got some fairly decent connections.

I amused myself with the following thought: I am an artist with a dream. That dream is to not be starving and homeless. And so, I got a real job.


What the hell, Wallace Stevens was a lawyer in his "real life."

After the bookstore, I headed over to Starbucks--mostly so I could sit down for a while. I don't know. There's something, to me, about sitting in a coffee house reading a book which seems unbearably affected. Give me a cigarette and a beret, man.

Then I headed over to the Stoneridge Mall. When I got there, I realized that my ankle was in no shape to be mall-walking, so I called my grandparents from the parking lot and asked if I could hang out with them for a while. Turns out that Aunt and Uncle Co were planning on meeting my grandparents up in Pleasanton for dinner, so they invited me along.

Good thing for Aunt and Uncle Co that I was up there--their car died on the way to the restaurant. After dinner, we waited for over two hours for the tow truck. Uncle Co went in the tow truck, making them tow the car all the way back to Fremont, and I drove Aunt Co home.

I know that if it was my car, I would have probably been in a foul mood and stressing, too--but I never thought I'd hear Uncle Co say "Fuck" in front of my grandparents. I think that's on the list of words you're supposed to avoid in front of your in-laws.

Aunt Co took the car ride back to Fremont as an opportunity to ask me if I've been getting regular periods, because it turns out that irregualr periods can also be a symptom of diabetes. Now, I think I've mentioned before that practically every single relative on both sides of my family is diabetic. So, my family is paranoid about Sis and I. Genetics are working against us. But so far, I'm healthy. Clumsy, hence the ankle issue, but other than that, fairly healthy. "Yes, Aunt Co, I can usually predict my period within a couple of days." Heh. My blood sugar has always been normal, too. Sis, on the other hand...well, let's just say that I wouldn't be surprised if she was the next one to start taking Glucophage.

Now my ankle hurts from all that walking and standing today, so I think I'm gonna go ice up. Have a wonderful evening.

-Diana, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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