Diana's Diary

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(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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2001-09-03 - 9:13 a.m.

Labor Day Weekend

I am finally living in my house!


My room has really cool dimensions. It's very long and kind of narrow, but the roof slopes so that the wall on one side is about half-and-again as tall as the wall on the other. Does neat things when it refects the light.

My window is on the shorter wall, and it looks out into the backyard. It's pretty well screened by trees, which is nice. I don't have to feel like I'm on display if I have the blinds open. (The only bad thing is that the window faces east--hello, Mr. Sun!) Last night I slept with the window open, and the shades only about 5/6 of the way down. I could look out and see the huuuuge moon, the trees, and hear crickets chirping. Plus, the breeze coming in from the window was nice.

o/I 'm all moved i-in! I'm all moved i-in! o/


I spent Satudray night at JB's "slumber party." Interesting. It was me, JB, JB's friend Franki, and JB's coworker Lisa. I've met Franki several times before, and she's pretty cool. I'm really glad she was there last night, because JB and Lisa kept talking about work, which pretty much left Franki and me out completely. It's funny. Not ha-ha funny, but funny-ironic, because JB used to get so pissed off whenever Mil and Willow would talk about work (and thus excluding us) when we would hang out...and here JB was, doing exactly the same thing.

And no, that doesn't really surprise me.

JB and I went to the movies last night, which was pretty fun. Tons of high school kids there. Heh. There were these three guys who were probably about sixteen who were trying to flirt with us. How cute. (But a nice change from the old weirdoes who usually try to pick up on me.)

I ran into Holden at Home Depot Saturday. He waved and said hello. Again, such a change from CE. Guys, are you paying attention?


Some observations about food (not for the squeamish):

Sometimes, I really just gross myself out with my own thoughts.

It's never a good idea to think too much while eating, especially if you think about what you're eating. Especially if you eat meat--it's really unpleasant to be biting into a hamburger and suddenly realize that you're eating something that used to have a face. (No, I'm not advocating vegetarianism...but I've had these thoughts, and they're weird!) JB has an aversion to seafood, particularly shrimp. She has a point; I mean, who saw that weird-ass looking thing swimming around in the ocean and decided it would be a good idea to eat it?

It's not just meat I have these weird thoughts about. The other morning I was eating a dehydrated peach. Everything was fine, until I looked at it, and realized how much it resembled an ear.


I am such a spaz.

-Diana, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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