Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
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(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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2001-01-04 - 04:43:36

Who are these people?

Heh. Maybe I should have done this entry first. :) Names have been changed to protect the innocent and the not-so-innocent.

Diana Seaborne (aka Di, Diana): That would be me. This is not my real name. You'll learn about me as you read the diary, but I guess I should mention that I divide my time between school in Los Angeles and my mom's house in Nor Cal.

JingleBelle (aka JB): My best friend. We've been friends for a really long time (8+ years), which has its advantages... and its disadvantages. Let's just say that it's a good thing that we've grown up together. She lives in Nor Cal.

Ex: My ex, JB's ex (but he was my ex first), and the ex of about half the state of California. That half being the female half. He lives in England now. We were together for 2 years, and have been broken up now for about four. Trying to be friends with him is hard. I spend a lot of time wondering why I even bother. I also go months at a time without hearing from him, so I guess he's feeling the same way.

Willow: JB's roommate. Quirky. Naive. Has a weird obsession with frogs.

Mil: JB's ex, Willow's current something-or-other. JB and Mil had a huge falling-out over the summer over the whole Willow thing, and I tried to stay out of it. Of course, the fact that the JB-Mil-Willow thing is a hell of a lot like the me-Ex-JB thing is not lost on me. I dunno. Mil is one of those guys who seems to only expect the worst, and so that's what he gets. He's really smart...but at the same time, he can be a complete moron, too.

Silver: One of my roommates. She's the one I like. She's sweet, quiet and inoffensive. Anime freak. I watch Daria and The Simpsons, and she says the animation looks weird. :)

Paris: My other roommate. We used to be pretty good friends, but then she went all weird. Inconsiderate and thoughtless, really.

CrazyEight (aka CE): Paris's boyfriend. He practically lives with us. (In fact, he DOES live with us on weekends.) I think CE is one of the reasons why Paris went all weird.

Orange: My former neighbor, former crush, and current friend. Sometimes I wonder why I put up with him, too.

Song: Orange's girlfriend. She seems nice enough... but with the history that Orange and I have, I don't ever see us becoming more than just acquaintences.

Nasa: Orange's roommate. Funny guy.

Trump: Orange and Nasa's apartment-mate. He's a musician.

Soshe: One of my oldest friends (since 1986). I moved across the country in 1992, but we still keep in touch. She's in New York now.

I'm sure I'm forgetting people that I'll rant about, but I'll give them nicks when I need to. :)

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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