Diana's Diary

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(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2001-01-21 - 06:37:57

The fly on the wall has a front-row seat

I have no life, and so I spend my life observing the lives of others.

Paris and CE went to a party tonight at one of Paris's friends' places. (Paris has other friends? Wow. You'd never know it, because she and CE are attached at the hip.) Well. It was very obvious that CE didn't want to go, but they went anyway. Three hours later, they returned. Paris was saying something about feeling bad, and ran for the bathroom. I asked CE if they had fun, and he just said "NO!" Apparently Paris had already puked two or three times before they left. That girl cannot hold her alcohol to save her life. You'd think she'd know better by now. Anyway, CE was obviously pretty disgusted with her, and they retired to Paris's bedroom for the rest of the evening. Hey. Now that I think about it, Paris borrowed my blender to take over to the party. I don't think she brought it back with her. Grrr. I better get it back. But anyway...

So I was chillin' on the couch, doing a little bit of writing and watching SNL when I started hearing a rather loud discussion going on outside. I looked out our peephole (yeah, I know, I'm nosy) to see my neighbor fighting with some guy. A little bit about this neighbor: at the beginning of my sophomore year, this chick (whom I shall refer to as Tennis Girl) was stalking Orange. I guess Orange met her while he was doing laundry, and she decided to find out where he lived. I had met Tennis Girl once before this, and hadn't realized how...odd...she was. So she showed up and Orange's door (this is back when Orange lived next door to me), and then for several weeks, kept showing up and IMing him and ICQing him (except Orange refused to authorize her, so all she could do was send request messages) and generally acting like she was stalking him. I remember Orange having to pretend he was going to bed to get rid of her, and having to turn off the lights in his room, because his window faced her building. Psycho. So basically Tennis Girl finally got the hint, and spent the rest of that year giving me and Orange and all of the rest of our litle dorm clique a really evil glare whenever she saw us. So imagine my surprise when I moved into this apartment and discovered that she lived across the hall from me. She's pretty much ignored me, except one time I ran into her when Orange and I were coming in, and she gave us the death look again. Whatever. I digress. So from what I gather, the guy she was fighting with was her boyfriend, and it sounded like he was trying to find a polite way to dump her crazy ass. He kept saying things like, "I don't want to be here. I'm tired. I didn't want to come here. I can't talk to you when you cry like this, and you cry all the time," and finally, "I haven't enjoyed any of the time I've spent with you in months." Ouch. Poor Tennis Girl. But I don't think she was absorbing anything he was saying, because she was too busy being hysterical. So poor Tennis Girl's bf for having to put up with that. Their convo kept going around and around like this, and finally I got bored and started watching TV again. But I wonder why they were fighting in the hallway. So dramatic. Very exhibitionist-y. Makes me want to get on the phone and have a very dramatic argument with someone, just to make the neighbors talk. (Heh. I guess I kind of did do something to that effect when I lived in the dorms, and Ex would call me, drunk, with his "I love you but you don't love me cuz you're a bitch" speech.) Oh, the drama. I haven't had any drama that was about me in a while. I'm so boring. Sigh.

Some people just need drama in their life, I think. (JB comes to mind.) If there's drama in my life, I'm usually on the outskirts of it. Like, one of my friends will be having drama, and so they constantly bitch to me about it. Eh. Sometime, I'd like to have so drama to bitch to them about. (The exception to this, of course, is Soshe. We have this unspoken mutual agreement where we both bitch to each other about any stupid little thing that's bugging us, and that's nice. We're there for each other. I just wish that I felt like some of my other friends were there for me.) Eh.

I should probably go to bed now.


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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