Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
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(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
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Diaryland Domicile

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2001-02-07 - 04:00:34

Dweeby Punk-Ass Profs and Bottled Haircolor

So, things are getting a little bit better. At least, I'm not fearing for my sanity anymore. Now my issue is school. I just need to concentrate on finishing.

I've got three papers due this week (well, technically the third is due next Tuesday, but I'll get to that in a minute). I had both of the first two finished yesterday. (One was due today, the other's due tomorrow.) The third one is supposed to be longer, and originally it was supposed to be due on Thursday. But the stupid geeky prof kept forgetting to hand out the paper prompts--we were supposed to get them last Tuesday, but after a whole bunch of nonsense, we didn't end up getting them until Saturday afternoon. So thinking he was being a nice guy, the prof extended the due date until next Tuesday. Unfortunately, I'd planned to go home this weekend. And I know if I go home, I won't get any work done. (I planned to go home this weekend SPECIFICALLY because I wasn't supposed to have anything due next week. Argh!) So, I have to finish this third paper before I leave. I want to leave Thursday afternoon, which means that I have to finish the damn thing tomorrow. Eh. I've got an outline, and I've got about 20% of it written. But since I have my "no homework after 10PM unless absolutely necessary" rule, I'm done for the night. I'm done with class tomorrow at noon, so that gives me plenty of time. And if I have to work on it past 10PM tomorrow, so be it. I just wish that he'd given us the damn prompts when he said he was going to. I mean, if we have to follow what's on the syllabus, the prof should to! He's the one who made the stupid thing up! I wouldn't be quite so annoyed if this had been the due date all along--it's just that I'd planned my trip based on what was supposed to be the schedule. Eh. I guess I'd be in the same boat whether he changed the due date or not. I just wish I'd had those extra 4 days to work on it. Gripe.

In other news, Orange has got mono. I think we were drinking out of the same cup the last time I saw him before he was diagnosed. I reeeeeally don't want to get sick again. (Heh, I'm actually feeling better than I was a couple of weeks ago...maybe I infected him! Although, you'd think I'd have noticed if I had mono...)

I'm thinking of dyeing my hair again. It's been about 10 and a half months since I last did it. I know, why go back now, right? My natural blonde has finally come back. It's just that I was just sitting there thinking today that I think I've actually been happier as a redhead. Whoever said that blondes have more fun was wrong. :) Hey, dyeing my hair is less drastic than a tattoo, and that was the other thing I was (briefly) considering.


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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