Diana's Diary

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a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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Diaryland Domicile

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2001-02-13 - 03:05:09

Surreal Weekend

Interesting weekend. I did manage to finish all of my stupid lame-ass papers by Wednesday night, and so on Thursday afternoon, I got in the car and went to the Bay Area. Five and a half hours of driving. Yay.

The weekend was sort of surreal. Friday morning I went with Mom while she ran a bunch of errands, and then that evening I went to dinner with JingleBelle and her 2 bosses. Her bosses are ladies in their early 50's, and they're nuts. We went to a bar first, and they were getting a bit toasted. Then we went to the restaurant, and they had more margaritas. The evening ended with kind of a jolt when they started a foodfight in the middle of the restaurant. I am not making this up. Boss #1 opened up a sugar packet and dumped it on JB. JB threw something (a napkin, I think) that ended up going over Boss #1's head and landing on another table. They threw it back, hitting Boss #1 in the head. Then Boss #2 made to dump her glass of water on JB, but a waiter intervened.

I just sat there, red-faced and cringing. I have rarely been so mortified in all my life. These are supposed to be adults? Good lord.

On Saturday, Mom & I went and saw Shadow of the Vampire. Eh. It was pretty boring; I expected it to be better. Then late Saturday night, JB and I met with Cam (Ex's best friend). Cam wants to be involved in the motion picture industry, and so we helped him film his "movie." Basically, I was the make-up girl, but I got to be an extra in the mob scene. Definitely interesting. Surreal.

The thought has occurred to me that it seems like JB is going out of her way to avoid being alone with me. Is she afraid of what I might have to say?

And yes, I did dye my hair. I'm a redhead again. Heh. When I got home (if this place can be called home), I saw that Silver had dyed her hair, too. Well, got it highlighted anyway. Bright red streaks. With her black hair, it looks pretty cool. My red look much more natural, though. (I even dyed my eyebrows, too. I like the result.)


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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