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2001-03-14 - 23:02:48

Damn Papers

Today...blew chunks. Apparently, my professor hated my benevolence paper, because he spent 20 minutes in class tearing it apart.

Okay, so the agenda of today's seminar was to critique everyone else's papers. Never mind that this process would have been a hell of a lot more useful before we turned them in for a final grade. The author of the paper wasn't allowed to talk while his/her paper was being discussed. The discussions of the first three papers we did went well; they were at least fairly constructive. Then we took a break, and did four more papers. Mine was the first of those four. Everyone in the class seemed to really like my paper, but the professor. It was the kind of thing where the professor was actually asking the class, "Can't you all see what is wrong with this topic sentence? Can you find everything else that's wrong with this paper?" Eeeeh. Not the most constructive criticism in the universe. I mean, I realize that I can be thin-skinned sometimes, but I kind of this that he crossed the line in some of the things he said. People actually came up to me afterwards and told me that they felt sorry for me when the prof was getting into it. Needless to say, it sucked majorly. The prof was harsh on all of the papers we discussed after the break, though, so maybe something happened to piss him off when he went back to his office for those 15 minutes. I don't know. I don't get it. I mean, even before class started today people were coming up to me and telling me that they really liked my paper, so I don't know. The professor seems to totally disagree, and he is the one who ultimately gives out the grade.

Of course, after all of this loveliness, I had to come home and finish the paper on Great Expectations for my 164 class. Saying I lacked the confidence to write it would be an understatement. But I finished, nonetheless, and I think it's actually pretty good. Well organized, and all that. But then again, what the hell do I know?

I tweaked my German paper a little bit, but mostly left it as is. I re-read my short story, and I still really liked it, so I didn't make any changes to it at all.

So now I've finished all of the work that I have to turn in this quarter, for better or worse. I should feel relief...but I just feel tired. Maybe I'll feel better after I turn it all in tomorrow--out of sight, out of mind, or whatever. At least until my grades come back. Eh.

I am so glad I've only got one more quarter after this one. Then no more school. Yay. I'm ready to switch from the world of academic bullshit to the world of professional bullshit.

I'm just a little ray of sunshine, huh? L


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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