Diana's Diary

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2001-03-18 - 22:23:04

And people ask why we broke up...

I got an e-mail from Ex. It's just so amusing that I have to share it with you all. It pretty much sums up why our relationship fizzled. And no, his grammar wasn't one of the reasons. Stuff in brackets was edited by me for privacy's sake.

Subject: RE:
Date: Mon, 19 Mar 2001 01:53:29 +0000
From: [Ex]
To: 'Diana Seaborne' [[email protected]]

Oh hell what is new with me? I am juggling 3 girls at this time but if all goes well I will cut it down to one. The only one out of the 3 that I really care about. Of course it can never be easy for me because she is 3000 miles away. God why can I not get a decent woman who lives closer. I do talk to her about every other day and mail her constantly. Oh well other that that all I do is work. So how did you finals go are you still the smartest person I know???? Well need to go mail me soon.

Can't ever be happy with one girl, can he. Sheesh. My reply:

Subject: Re:
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 21:21:28 -0800
From: Diana Seaborne [[email protected]]
To: [Ex]

[Ex], [Ex], [Ex]. Will you never learn? Then again, it just wouldn't be you if you weren't juggling multiple women, now would it? :) I hope everything works out for you. Heh.

I think my final papers went pretty well, although I'm not so sure about my seminar. Everyone in the class seemed to think it was pretty insightful, but I'm not so sure about the prof. Oh well. I guess I'll find out when I get my grades back in a couple of weeks. As for still being the smartest person you know...well, have you met anyone else who is exceptionally brilliant lately? Ha ha. I don't think I'm getting any stupider, if that's what you mean. I'm almost done with the whole college thing, and I think I've learned a lot...very little of that was actually learned in class, but hey, whatever. :) I'm driving back to [home] on Tuesday, and I don't know what I'm going to do over my break yet (other than go to the dentist and put up with my family on my birthday), but I intend to have fun, whatever I do.


What crack was I on that at one point in my life I actually thought he cared about me? I was one of those women for, what, almost 3 years? He only wants to get as many women as he can. It's really kind of funny. Sort of. I mean, it sucks to be one of those three girls, but now that I'm more removed from him, I can see what a moron I was back then. Good lord. As for being the "smartest person he knows," well, I wasn't smart enough to see through all of his bullshit back then, now, was I?

In other news...I just learned that one of my few remaining friends up north is planning to move to Los Angeles right around the time I'm moving back up there. Talk about your bad timing. Oh well. She's going to try her luck in Hollywood. (In the behind-the-scenes stuff, not as an actress.) I say good luck to her; she's got more guts than I do. (Then again, I'm such a huge fan of this Godforsaken place...) If she makes it, then I'll get to say I knew her when.

The radio station I'm listening to is running a very bizarre contest. They're giving away one of those custom-built kit cars (modeled like a Lamborghini Diablo, valued at $50,000) to the person who destroys the biggest thing. One lady called in as she was going at her 1998 Pontiac with a sledgehammer. Okay, that's a nice way to get your aggression out, I guess...but what if she loses? Then she's destroyed a perfectly good car for no reason. Sheesh.

Speaking of cars, mine's being stupid again. The service engine light is on. I hope it's just dirty fuel or something. My manual says to drive it for another full tank of gas (after the current one) and see if the light goes off; if not, take it in to have the emissions system serviced. That's nice. But I'm not wild on the idea of driving my car for a few hundred miles or so with the warning light on. That's what the manual says to do, though, so...okay.

And yes, I'm still really, really bored.


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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