Diana's Diary

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(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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Leave me a note

2001-04-15 - 5:30 p.m.

My To Do List for tomorrow

1. I need to buy stamps. I've got a cell phone bill and a gas bill to mail, but I've only got one $0.33 stamp, which does me absolutely no good, since postage was raised to $0.34 in January. Ah well, so I visit the post office again tomorrow. One would think I would have been smart enough to remeber that when I went a week and a half ago, but I guess I wasn't.

2. I need to go to the bookstore and see if those last two books for my 173C class came in. If they're not in, then I need to go buy them somewhere else.

3. I need to start my paper for 173C. It's due on Wednesday. I know that I want to write about the tragic elements of Salinger's "Uncle Wiggily in Connecticut," but other than that, I'm stumped. I'll write an outline tomorrow.

4. I need to do laundry. Well, I don't need to do laundry, but I really should do laundry. Along with that, I should also change my sheets.

I think that's it. I've been fairly productive in this weekend. (Oops, I still need to e-mail Soshe, though.) I reserved my U-Haul for when I move, I did all of my reading for both classes, and I even went shopping (gasp!). It's amazing how productive I can be when I can actually get to my car. So now I've got actual groceries, instead of just milk and bread and eggs. I bought cottage cheese and yogurt and turkey and soup and granola and peaches. I looked for some marshmallow Peeps, but I guess I wasn't looking hard enough, because I didn't find 'em. Considering that this was the day before Easter, I know that they had to be there somewhere. Oh well, if I buy 'em this week, I bet they'll be cheaper.

Oh yeah, sometime before I drive to the Bay Area again, I should go get the oil changed in my car, but since I don't do much driving, that's not a huge priority at the moment.

I keep yawning. It's only 5:30. I should not be tired. Eh. I think I will go and plant myself in front of the TV for a while. Assuming, of course, that Paris and CE aren't still asleep out there. (Aside: Silver's gone for the weekend--why don't they take their nap in the bedroom instead of the living room? Whatever.)


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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