Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
archive of angst
Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2001-04-11 - 11:50 p.m.


So somehow, randomly, my CD player is working again. I don't get it. Electronics and computers are 90% magic, I think. Or else they really do have minds of their own, and they keep doing things like this to mess with my head. If so, it's working.

In my last entry, I mentioned that Moriarity had been bugging me for another story. Right after I posted that entry, I decided that I did want to submit another story, so I finished one that had been languishing in limbo since before Christmas. Well, the 5 or so people who have bothered to comment on it at all seem to have liked it, which I guess is good. It's not nearly as big of a response as I got last time, but I dunno. No comment, though, from the people who were bugging me the loudest to write another one. Although, now that I think of it, some of these people didn't comment on the first story when I submitted it...they just kept asking me when I was going to write another, so...like I said, I dunno.

I hurt. My back has been killing me for almost a week now, and now my legs are joining in. I think I've been sleeping weird. I've started doing a little bit of yoga in the evenings again, but so far, the only difference I've noticed is that I'm cracking my back and neck more in the morning. I think I just need to have one person grab a hold of my arms, and another person grab a hold of my legs, and have them stretch me out until everything pops back to where it's supposed to be.

Pika and Penguin are both exceedingly jealous that I've already got the whole career thing worked out. I guess I can't really blame them for being a bit annoyed at me; I know that if I was still looking for a job, I'd probably be a mite irritated if one of them already had it hooked up. Of course, I'm living proof that an English major can get a job, though, so they should be happy for me. Hey! I just realised that I haven't e-mailed Soshe my good news yet. I should do that sometime this weekend. I wonder if she's got her Boston hook-ups yet.

I'm fighting the urge to start packing my stuff up again, but it's not like it was before. Now I'm just bored, and I figure that instead of sitting on the floor playing solitare or watching M*A*S*H reruns on FX, I could be doing something productive. I'm tentatively planning on going up to the Bay Area the first weekend in May, and I want to take as much of my stuff up with me as possible. The way I figure it, the less I have to move at the last minute, the better.

Heh. Since I'm only taking two classes this quarter, I've got a bit of extra time on my hands. I really had planned on using that time to work on ye olde job search, but now that that is taken care of...I guess I can use the time to sleep after all. Enjoy it while I can, I guess. My body's circadian rhythm is going to have some serious adjusting to do come June. Of course, Silver's is way more messed up than mine. I don't envy her when she tries to adjust to Grown Up Standard Time. (As opposed to College Standard Time.)

No word from Minnie for a while. I can only assume that if something horrible has happened, her brother would have let me know. (I still have issues believing that Minnie's brother is almost 20 now. Possibly because I haven't physically seen him in the last 9 years, but also because in my mind, he will always be the 5-year-old who had a crush on me when I was 7. Back when I was still cute and desireable, I guess.) Minnie hasn't been online in a while; I tried IMing her over spring break, but her AIM had gone idle. Alas. I'd e-mail her, but I think that she'd probably interpret that as me checking up on her, and get all pissed off. Ugh.

I just found a stack of papers from my evil seminar from last quarter. I have this inexplicable urge to burn them. Too bad my lighter exploded a while back. (But hey! The burn blister is finally gone.) And no, I'm not a pyromaniac. I'm usually very careful when I set things on fire. The lighter exploding was a complete accident. I'd been holding it too long (I was melting crayons for an art project), and one of the springs snapped, causing the whole casing to break apart. Damn cheap thing anyway.

Okay, I guess I've rambled enough. I wish I was tired enough to go to sleep.

-Diana, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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