Diana's Diary

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(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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2001-05-18 - 7:46 p.m.

I am *definitely* going to elope.

More people want to come to my graduation. It's very nice of them to want to come out and support me, but... Have I explained the ticket thing yet? Seating at my graduation is limited, so each graduate only gets 4 tickets for his/her guests. If you've got more than four guests, you have to participate in a lottery system, and there are no guarantees. Mom, Sis, Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt and Uncle are all coming. Then this morning I had an e-mail from another uncle, saying that he and his wife and their three year old want to come too. I mean, it would be really great it they did come, because they live in New Mexico and I almost never get to see them...but dammit, I can only guarantee seats for half of these people, and I won't know for sure how many tickets I'll be able to get until the week before graduation. Sigh.

And I'd still prefer to skip the ceremony altogether, because then I'd get to move 5 days earlier, and I would have so much less stress. So yeah, when I get married, I am definitely heading for Las Vegas or something.


Hung out with Orange last night. I told him about the rumor, and he seemed to think it was pretty funny, so that was cool. We watched Fletch on cable, and man, the book was so much better. I like Chevy Chase, but he is not Fletch. We also had a couple of beers, and I didn't think I was drunk, but when I was walking up the stairs at 4 am, I tripped and fell on my face. (Or maybe I'm just really uncoordinated. I only had a beer and a half, and I'd had a couple of hours to sober up.) I freaked Silver out when I came in, I guess. Paris and CE were sleeping in the middle of the living room floor, and so when she heard the door, Silver thought that it was CE leaving. Surprised the hell out of her when she came out of her room a few hours later and CE was still there.


I finished reading Peter Straub's Mystery last night. (Well, after I got home at 4 o'clock this morning. I have insomnia, okay?) I like Straub, but his novels are soooo complexly plotted. When I read The Throat, I thought reading Mystery would clear a few things up, but now I'm more confused than I was before. Plus, Koko fits into there somewhere, and I'm not sure what to do with it. Times and places are waaay to fluid in this little pseudo-trilogy.

Plus, there were a couple of really obvious editing errors in Mystery. Like the fact that the period between February 15 and October 20 is only 8 months, not nine. And sometimes I got the impression that Straub forgot that he had set his novel in 1962, because some things seemed like anachronisms.

I shouldn't obsess so much over the stuff I read for fun, should I? Damn English major.


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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