Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
archive of angst
Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2003-06-14 - 1:58 p.m.

One Week

This last week has been sort of insane.

Saturday (one week ago)

- Discover my online activity is being monitored by Socially Maladjusted Acquaintence.
- Passive-agressive confrontation about my avoidance of him ensues. (Gee--you're keeping track of when I sign on to AIM without my knowledge--why the hell wouldn't I avoid you?)
- Go to coffee house/band thingie with Holden and Selena. Actually pretty fun.


- Roommate Deathmatch 2003: Holden and Selena vs. Bastian and Natalia.
- Rather than be called in to referee, I flee the house screaming in terror. (And that's really not as much of an exaggeration as it might sound like. Bastian and Natalia are moving out, by the way.)
- Attempt to recover at JB's house. Turn down invitation to spend the rest of the week there, as JB's house is one street over from aforementioned Socially Maladjusted Acquaintence's, and I don't really want to give S.M.A. a chance to monitor my real-life comings and goings, too.
- Burst into ridiculous tears while watching the end of Field of Dreams on cable. I think that was the point where JB really started to freak out.


- Get up for work. Take one look in the mirror at my chalk-white face with big purple circles underneath, and declare a mental health day.
- Call in sick to work, pleading a headache. Not exactly a lie, either.
- Spend most of the day in bed, occasionally reading, mostly sleeping. Still drained.


- Return to work, to have about six people tell me I still look awful. Thanks, guys. Sheesh.
- Have conversation with Aunt Co, during which she rather pointedly inquires about my health.
- Quelch paranoia that JB was talking to my aunt after the weekend.
- Spent three hours talking on the phone to Orange, who is in Washington, DC for the summer. I miss him. It was one of those conversations where it had been so long since we'd talked (rather than emailed or IMed) that we both kept running over each other's words since we both had so much to say. He actually did a remarkable job of cheering me up. It's kind of amazing how he knows exactly how to distract me (in the good way). It was also funny, because it didn't seem like it had been that long since I talked to him, and then I figured out that it was because I had talked to Song, not that long ago. Heh.


- Attempt to kill myself (unintentionally) by slipping in shower. I realize that a good percentage of household accidents take place in the bathroom, but honestly!
- Grab shower curtain in attempt to break fall.
- Shower curtain rod does not survive. (Cheap plastic tension rod thingie snapped.)
- Shin now sports lovely bruise that's about five inches long by three inches wide. Smaller bruises on kneecap, and top of foot. I really shouldn't be allowed to walk.
- Holden and Selena announce that they are getting married over Labor Day weekend.
- Interpret the above as you will. I'm still not sure what I think about that.


- Pop by JB's house after work with her birthday present.
- End up staying for dinner. Nice.


- Get shown more wedding paraphenelia than I ever really wanted to see.
- Pizza and movie night with Holden and Selena.
- Have fun torturing Holden for a while. I'm starting to feel a bit bad about my ability to reduce him to gape-mouthed stares with my verbal zingers. Not bad enough to stop doing it, of course. (I've mentioned before that I'm a bitch, right?)

And now it's Saturday again. I hope the coming week is less eventful.

- Diana.

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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