Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2001-06-22 - 10:30 p.m.

Before and After

River (a co-worker) and I went to this Cheapie Chinese take-out place for lunch today. It wasn't as good as Panda Express or Mr. Chau's, but it was decent. And a lot cheaper. River pointed out something that was kind of ironically disturbing: the restaurant had all of these roasted ducks hanging in the windows...and on the walls inside, they had a bunch of pictures of ducks in flight. The "before" and the "after." Eeh. I don't think restaurants should put up pictures of what your lunch looked like before they killed it and cooked it for you. It's a wee bit off-putting.

My mother and I got to shake up our image a bit last night. There were two police cars parked right in front of our house for a couple of hours last night, and everyone who drove by had to stop and stare. See, there was a hit-and-run right outside our house last night. Mom and I didn't see what happened, but there were some people from the next block over who were walking their dogs and saw the whole thing. This guy who lives down the street apparently rammed his pickup truck into the little Miata of the girl who lives across the street from us. Then the guy in the truck backed up, went home, and made someone else who lives with him move their car out of the way so that he could hide his car in the garage. What a dumbass. If you're going to commit a hit-and-run in front of witnesses a block from your house, at least be smart enough to drive around the block or something before going home! The people who were walking their dogs used our phone to call 911, and we eneded up waiting for almost 45 minutes for the police to show up. (The neighbor whose car was hit didn't get home until about 5 minutes before the police arrived.) Luckily, the witnesses were able to direct the police to the house of the guy who rammed the Miata. Unfortunately, since it was dark, they didn't get a good look at the driver. So even though the truck's headlight is still lying out on the street behind the Miata, and the front of the truck is all smashed up, they can't prove who was driving, so the police couldn't make an arrest for hit-and-run. The only good news is that the police was able to get the insurance info from the truck's owner, so at least the people who own the Miata can make him pay for the damages.

Makes me want to clean out the garage so I can put my car inside, though. I'm glad I can at least park in the driveway, though, instead of on the street.

-Diana, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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