Diana's Diary

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(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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2001-09-22 - 8:23 p.m.

Diana Goes Bay Area Nosaligic

So, there's still no cable TV in my room. (Oh yeah--I've been offline for a while. Short version of this story--Holden thought that he might be able to score free cable if he cancelled our current cable and signed up for cable modem service at the same time. Holden was wrong.) Several visits from AT&T later, now we have cable in the living room again, and in Holden and Selena's room. In my room it's a no go. I may pitch a fit tomorrow if Holden can't fix it. I finally found the antenna for my TV, so at least I'm getting some stations now...but only about 4 of the 6 major broadcast networks. With crummy reception. Except for UPN 44. That comes in crystal-clear. I think channel 44 is sort of like cockroaches...it will outlast us all. I swear, it's the kind of station I could pick up on the fillings in my teeth. (Well, not really, because there'd be no way to get the picture, but you know what I mean.)

Man, I remember the days when 44 was unaffiliated... WB 20, too. I remember all of those "KOFY Stereo TV 20, San Francisco!" station identifications with the dogs from the animal shelters....okay, random reference that non-residents of the Bay Area won't get. The funniest way I've ever heard for calling someone ugly came from a "You Know Your From The Bay Area When" joke that went like this: "Well, I wouldn't say she's heinous, but when I say 'TV 20, San Francisco,' she turns her head and jumps off the chair."

See, no one who isn't from the Bay Area is going to get that, because they won't have seen the commercials. And the kiddies out there in the Bay Area may not get it either, since KOFY became a WB affiliate eight years ago or something.

Wow. Feeling old here.

And yes, I know I'm a big dork.

Actually, I'm a nerd. River and I were discussing the new state quarters yesterday, and she was impressed by my useless knowledge. I said, "I am a nerd." And she said, "Yes, but so am I, and that is why we get along so well."

River, Ruby and I are going to go do something fun in San Francisco next Friday. We just don't know what yet. (We get the day off from work--another long story.) Ruby hasn't done the tourist stuff in a while, and River wants to go to MOMA. I will just be glad to be out and doing something fun with new people. I need to hang out with people besides JB.

Who has not called me back.

(This is why I need to hang out with people besides JB--I might actually get to go do something, instead of sitting around waiting to do something. Making plans with Orange was sort of like that, too. What is it about me?)

I checked on Mom's house today. (It's still there.) Driving back, I glanced in the rearview mirror and had another one of those "I love the Bay Area" moments. I was going aound a curve, and so in the mirror I could see the foothills and the water and the lights on the peninsula all at once...sweet.

Sometimes it's good to take the scenic route. (The "Scenic Route" in California is conveniently marked on the appropriate freeways with these really stupid looking signs. Like, thanks for junking up the scenery with your ugly sign to tell me I should be enjoying the scenery. Hello!)

What else is cool about the Bay Area? Hmm...sourdough bread. Yeah. When we lived in Massachusetts, there was no sourdough bread to be found. The closet thing was French bread, and it's just not the same. Mmm. Sourdough toast. Mmm.

I remember when we first moved back to the Bay Area, and I was walking through San Jose International Airport, thinking, "I'm really back in California. I was born here. I am a Bay Area girl."

Have I mentioned recently that I am a big nerd? (Cut me a little slack--I was only 13 at the time.)

So I say "Nyah!" to all of the people who don't like the Bay Area (Mom, Sis, Orange, Song, JB...) The Bay Area rules!

(Except that I'm an LA Dodgers fan and not an SF Giants fan...but that's heredity, not environment. It wasn't living in Los Angeles that "corrupted" me, it was my father. It had nothing to do with Los Angeles.)

I dunno, I just think it's really important that people actually like where they live.

-Diana, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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