Diana's Diary

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(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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2001-10-01 - 4:31 p.m.

A Case of the Mondays

Anyone who doesn't understand the title to this entry needs to go rent the movie Office Space. Like, now. This entry will still be here when you're done watching the movie.

All right then.

So. Yeah. Monday. Bleagh.

I think I mentioned a while ago that a bunch of us had an enforced day off on Friday. Which would have been fine, except that I had a lot of crap to get done. We convert to the new database system this week. Eh.

So last week Ebie sent out an email that I wrote, which explained all about the new system, and about the system-wide freeze that we have to work around while we're converting. On Thursday, one of the engineers emails me a question about it, copying everyone in the entire universe. (Well, everyone who is involved in the forum--about 500 people.) I did not know the answer to the question right off the top of my head, and none of the people who should have been able to answer my question were in the office that day (telecommuters...don't get me started), I asked Ruby. Ruby's forum had already converted, so I figured she would know. So, I took Ruby's answer back to the engineer, and passed the answer along to everyone else who had heard the initial question.

Friday I was out of the office, and the shit hit the fan.

Apparently Ruby was wrong. Or else, I misunderstood her.

E-mails start to fly. The correct information is given out. No damage is done, but I look like an idiot.

Fine. My bad. I can accept that. The thing that does piss me off is that it took 36 hours for anyone to notice my mistake. By all rights, those people (our IS guy, Ebie, et al) should have been the ones to respond to the question in the first place. But since they weren't there...

It also kind of irks me that all of the "Where the hell did Di get this info" emails happened on a day when I was not at work. A day that I (and the other people who have the same job that I do) was so generously "forced" to take off. (The forced days off are our compensation for not getting to telecommute...but really, I don't want to get into the whole telecommute issue.) So I never got to explain my end of what happened.

Again, fine. I guess. I can accept it, it just irks me.

Then, today, I had to merge our current database with the new system, which took all day. All of the other groups have had a temp do their merges for them, but for some reason my group decided to use me. Once again, fine. It took me a bit longer than it took the temp to do the other groups, because I still had to do my real job at the same time. But I really started to get annoyed at about 1:30 when our office manager came into my cubicle and starting hovering over me, waiting for me to finish so that she could do something else to the new system.


It's a hell of a lot easier to get your job done if people will just leave you the hell alone, you know?

The other thing that annoys me is that we're "frozen" this week, so I can't make any changes to our web site. Today Martine sent me three "vital" web changes. She knows that I can't do them this week. She's known that for almost two months. So why didn't she get this stuff to me earlier? I would have been happy to do it last week, if I'd known about them.

It really bugs me that other people's procrastination reflects poorly on me. I know, that's life...but it still sucks.

Maybe I'm grumpy because it's really warm and I didn't sleep well last night. And since I couldn't sleep, I started reading, and once I got going in my book, I figured I might as well finish it, which means that I went to bed a couple of hours later than I should have. JB lent meBridget Jones: The Edge of Reason last night (wonder of wonders, she didn't flake on me!), which is relatively short, but still...I managed to read the entire book between 8:00 PM and 1:00 AM. I dunno. It was a funny book if you can manage to suspend your disbelief during Chapters 11-13. I don't think I was in the right frame of mind for it. I mean, I loved Bridget Jones' Diary...but the goddamn English major snob in me recognizes that it's fluff. Which is kind of too bad, considering that Bridget herself is hilarious.

Bah. :)

-Di, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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