Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
archive of angst
Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2001-10-12 - 4:47 p.m.

Plan Away, Little Planner

I know that I've kind of been away from this for the last couple of weeks, but now that the database conversion is finally over at work, the odds are much better that I'll actually feel like plunking myself down at the computer at home after spending the entire day staring at the monitor.

The conversion was...hell. Just to give you a little picture of what it was like, when I came in on Wednesday morning, after having been away from my email for less than 16 hours, I had over 200 new messages. Bleah!

Of course, about half of them I could answer with a more polite version of the message, "Go read the email we sent you on September 26, ya moron! We told you this was coming and what would be different about it. Read the damn thing before you come whining to me about your access being denied!"

The other half were genuine issues, most or all of which I think have been resolved now. I hope.

But it's Friday, I just got home, and I don't want to talk about work anymore.


I have no plans for the weekend. Everyone was talking about all of the cools things that they're going to be doing this weekend, and I was like...um, I might go grocery shopping. Oh well. That's fine. Next weekend will be nuts--Race for the Cure on Sunday, team sleepover at Ruby's the night before. (It'll be much easier to get to Golden Gate Park by 7:00 am if we leave from Ruby's house, since she's only about 10 minutes away. It'd take me an hour from my house, at least, and that early on a Sunday...I don't think so.) The weekend after than I've got various Halloween festivites, plus the UCLA-Stanford game (I'm debating on whether or not I want to try to talk Orange into coming up for it). The following Friday I leave for Japan...but that's a work thing, and so I'm not thinking about that right now. La la la.

Nonetheless. I want to go do something fun. Well, at the moment I want to crash on my bed and sleep (not gonna happen), but sheesh, go see a movie or something. Get out of the house, at any rate.

Item: Selena's got a black eye. She said that Holden rolled over and whacked her with his elbow while he was asleep. I hope that's what really happened.

[INSERT TIRADE ABOUT HOW EVERYONE IS SO PARANOID NOWADAYS HERE.] I don't need to really get into that, do I?


The holidays are going to be even weirder this year than they have been for the past couple of years. I'm still not sure what I'm doing for Thanksgiving. I'll probably have it with JB and her mom since my family will be scattered to the four winds. I hate travelling at Thanksgiving. Especially considering that I have to work a full day the day before...puts a cramp in the idea of me trying to get to Utah. But I've never had a Thanksgiving without my mother and my sister before. It will definitely be different, I guess. It sucks, because Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, and I don't see myself getting amped for it this year. Sigh.

For Christmas, the entire Seaborne clan will be descending on my mother's house in Utah. That should be interesting. All of my father's family (minus my father, obviously, except in spirit), trying to mix with all of my mother's family...I see therapy in the future. But it will be nice to finally get to see my mother's house.

We shall see what we shall see.

-Diana, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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