Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
archive of angst
Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2001-10-20 - 11:53 p.m.

Plus and Minus

Plus: Scored a ride to SF for tomorrow.

Minus: People I was supposed to go hang with in the City tonight are kinda pissed at me for flaking. (Pardon me for getting nervous when they told me that they didn't know where they were sleeping tonight, but that they would "find someplace to crash," and they meant someplace being the SF digs of some random guys they were hoping to meet.)

Plus: Went out for drinks after work yesterday to appease above people.

Minus: Aph started getting a bit too personal after she had a few drinks. Plus, I had to put up with an hour of them harassing me about not going into SF tonight. Look, I see these people 5 days a week at work. I will see them at the race tomorrow. There is no need for me to see them today. That would mean I would end up seeing them 12 days in a row. Given all of the office politics bullshit going on right now, I figure the more I stay out of it, the better.

Plus: My Engineer called me yesterday.

Minus: He called while I was at the bar. I replied via email. Inebriated. Never a good idea. I mean, I'm not afraid that I wrote anything inappropriate; I'm just aware that I'm not the best typist in the universe after I've had a couple of drinks. When I go in on Monday, it will be interesting to see how many typos I made.

Minus: Came home and called JB in my state of semi-drunkenness. Got her machine.

Plus: Found a picnic basket at Wal-Mart today for $5. Also picked up some fake blood and vampire teeth.

Minus: The vampire teeth aren't gonna work.

Plus: That's okay, I don't really need vampire teeth.

Minus: Called JB again this afternoon. I should really wait for her to call me.

Plus: JB invited me to go out to a comedy club in Concord tonight.

Minus: JB also complained about her phone bill being too high, because she's been calling England "every day, sometimes several times a day." What the hell? She won't return my local phone calls, but she'll dial international to talk to my ex-boyfriend?

Plus: The guy at Togo's was completely flirting with me this afternoon.

Minus: He was probably seventeen or something.

Plus: Willow came out with us to the comedy club. Thank God. Otherwise I would have had no one to talk to, since JB was so busy with her new friends.

Minus: I ended up sitting right in front of the stage at the club. Hence, I got picked on by all of the comedians. One asked me if I was a virgin. (I lied.) Another mocked me by asking me my name, and when I told it to him, he repeated it while smiling and sticking his fingers in his dimples like he thought I was some sort of ray-o-sunshine Shirley Temple or something. (Boy was he wrong.) Then he said that since I was so quiet that I was probably crazy in bed. Wonderful. And another decided to use me to demonstrate how the Spanish language sounds so beautiful that anything you say sounds like a come-on. I didn't get it all, but I know that he said something about "un perro muy feo" (an ugly dog). Asshole.

Plus, sort of: But then he said (in English) that I was very beautiful and that he was just using me to lilustrate a point.

Minus: JB talked on her cell phone the entire way home. Sometimes I would really like to grind her phone under my heel.

Final Results: Even, I guess.

Resolutions: Never sit in the front at a comedy club ever again. And stop calling JB. If she wants to talk to me, she knows where to find me. I'm tired of being the one to always call her, and I'm tired of being virtually ignored on the rare occasions she will deign to do something with me.

Good night.

-Di, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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