Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

today's travails
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Diaryland Domicile

Leave me a note

2001-11-15 - 5:58 p.m.

I Have Made A Decision

I'm giving up The Shop. It's past time, really. I mean, I haven't updated the web page since I moved from Los Angeles in June. I haven't sent out a newsletter since before I left for Japan. And I have no desire to do either thing.

The web site should be pretty easy to pawn off on someone else. I know that Tre was interested in doing it a year or so ago. The newsletter and directorship stuff may be trickier. I think that The Promoter would jump at the chance if I offered it to her. I have misgivings about turning it over to her (if she'll take it, that is), because I have a feeling that she'll just use The Shop as a venue to promote her own work. Well, hell, isn't that what she's already doing anyway? No one else is doing much of anything.

Having to deal with a lot of nothing actually takes up a lot of energy.

Now I just need to find a diplomatic way to bow out. The more seamless the transition, the better. Although the email address will probably have to change....

(Sorry, I'm thinking while I type here.)

Two and a half years as Director of The Shop. Man. I wish I could claim that we actually accomplished something.

I'm not being fair. We had people (not me) who were able to publish, in part because of the feedback and support they got from The Shop. But sadly, I have lost interest. I want to concentrate on me for a while.

Get rid of the clutter at the end of the year, or something.


Ebie sent me a picture of Joan and me from that day in Kyoto. It's a cute picture, but I look like some sort of blonde Amazon woman standing next to Joan. She is tiny.

I need to get my film developed this weekend. I want to be able to show the pictures to Mom when I see her next week for Thanksgiving.

I cannot wait for Thanksgiving. Maybe I'm excited about my one day work-week next week. I'm still kinda screwy from the 17-hour time change between here and Japan. Ebie was telling me that it takes one day for your body to adjust to every hour of time difference there was. Well, I'm screwed. There's a time change between here and Utah, too, so I'm going to be all messed up. Heh.

-Di, signing off

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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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