Diana's Diary

a vault of venting and
a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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2001-03-21 - 02:01 p.m.

Less things to worry about

I drove back up to the Bay Area yesterday without any problems. The engine light on my car went off right after I stopped for gas before I left L.A., so I guess it was just bad gasoline again after all. Whew. One less thing to worry about.

I've got a job interview on Tuesday. It's at the place I worked last summer--apparently, they really liked me, because they have a position open now, but are (maybe) willing to work something out so that I can start after I graduate in June. That would be a huge weight off my mind. One less thing to worry about.

I unintentionally stressed Mom out this morning. I was filling out an application for health insurance (the insurance we got through Dad's work expired at the beginning of the month), and I asked her how much it was going to cost. (I'm applying on my own--not as a dependant of her. Apparently it's cheaper that way.) Anyway, it came out that I've only got about four dollars in my checking account, and haven't had much more than that for weeks. She kind of freaked, asking why I hadn't asked her for money, saying that she had been expecting me to ask for money, blah blah blah. Then she got this horrified look on her face, remembering what I had said earlier about living off of toast, and said, "Oh my God, you haven't been eating because you haven't been able to buy food, not because you were too lazy to buy it!" Well...yeah. That's pretty much the truth. I had to sell my textbooks for this quarter (netting a whole eleven dollars) in order to buy a goddamn cheesburger at In-N-Out. And the money thing has been stressing me to no end. I mean, I haven't spent any money on stuff that wasn't absolutely necessary. It's all going towards rent, utilities, school (texts, all of the computer shit), gasoline, and food. It really shouldn't be disappearing so quickly. Gah. But it is. So Mom says that if I work out a detailed budget (no underestimating this time), she'll help me out. I know that should be a relief...but I hate asking for help. Technically this is one less thing to worry about, but I'm gonna worry all the same.

I'm really tired.


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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