Diana's Diary

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a mausoleum of musings
(not to mention,
an abode of alliteration)

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Diaryland Domicile

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2001-05-23 - 5:23 p.m.

Same Sh*t, Different Day

It's 5:23 on 5/23. Isn't that special? (No.)


All right. So I've bitched about Professor Bipolar before. And I came to the conclusion that I just don't get him. Well, I have him again this quarter. And I still don't like him. Only this time, it's a bigger class (70 people). But since he knows me, he likes to use me as an example. And he likes picking on me. Today, we were talking about the transition between the libertine ideal and the idea of benevolence, and I swear, he was mocking my paper from last quarter. (Okay, that's the paranoia talking.) He's one of those people who can't stand still when he talks, and so he's always walking up and down the aisles. Well, today, he actually entered the row I was sitting in. Twice. I was sitting on the end (gotta stop doing that), and he was literally like three inches away from me. Personal space bubble, dude, come on!

Other irritation factor. I got my midterm back in that class today. I got a B. I should not be upset over a B. A B is not a bad grade. Except his comment was something like, "While your essay has a weak thesis, it is still stronger than your ID's, which for the most part, lack significance." No other comments at all. If it sucks so much, then why give me a B? Why not a C? Moreover, I don't think my exam sucked. I usually know when I've not done so great on a test, and I thought I did well on that one. But, I guess it just goes to prove that even after three quarters with this guy, I still have no freaking clue as to what he thinks is good.

Frankly, what I'm most annoyed about is the fact that I'm annoyed at all. I don't need Prof. Bipolar's class to graduate. (I signed up for it before I discovered I didn't like him last quarter, and stayed in it because Pika's in the class, and she does need it to graduate.) I don't even need it for elective units. So it really doesn't matter. I don't really need to worry about my GPA, since I'm not going to grad school. It won't affect my honors status, because I'm already four-hundredths of a point too low to get a cum laude. (The fact that I've got a 3.49 is a rant for another day.) And I've already got a job waiting for me, so it doesn't matter. But I'm still annoyed about it. Damn perfectionism. And then I get annoyed at myself for caring enough to be annoyed...As Quinn Morgendorffer would say, it's just one of those viscious things!


Oh yes, and I'm really tired of being clumsy. I tripped on my way to school this morning, twisting my ankle. My supposedly "good" ankle. Good lord. It's not too bad, just a bit stiff, but sheeeeesh, I hate falling down and looking like a moron. This one guy saw me fall, and helped me up, acting very concerned. I felt so stupid telling him that, "I'm okay, I just fall down a lot." Gah! It sucks when I fall down and there are people there to see it happen, because that's just humiliating. But it also sucks to fall when there's no one around, because sometimes, it's hard to get up again! Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Good lord. Obviously, my parents didn't do a good enough job of teaching me how to walk.

Bitch, bitch. :P


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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