Diana's Diary

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2001-07-25 - 5:35 p.m.

On a Short Fuse

Item: There is nothing happy in this entry. Consider yourself warned.

Item: Homelessness still looming. Maybe I can rent a storage unit and live in that.

Item: For two out of the last three days, I have not been able to park near my house when I got home from work. I was used to that in Los Angeles, but here in the 'burbs...come on!

Item: JB sent me a link to a web page service that has ads from people looking for roommates. Ostensibly, I think she was trying to be helpful. The result was that it pissed me off. The petty part of me can't help but think that I wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for her. Besides that, in order to be able to contact any of the people in these ads, you have to pay $50 a month to the web site. I don't think so! Why would I blow my money on that, when there are no guarantees? Sheesh.

Item: The realtor is going to start showing the house a week from Monday. There are already two open houses scheduled. Mom will be in Utah while that is going on. I'm not allowed to be in the house while these open houses are going on, so I have to find somewhere else to be during them. Fuck! One is like the day after I get back from Boston, when all I'm going to want to do is be unconscious.

Item: Aunt Co is trying to help. (She gets it from her husband.) She thinks I should rent a house. How the hell am I supposed to afford that? Oh yes, get roommates. Because I've had such wonderfuckingful experiences with roommates in the past--see practically every entry up until the end of June for examples. And since I don't know anyone who is looking for a roommate, it will have to be a complete stranger. But then she gives me the lecture about being safe and how you can't be too careful and I just keep thinking, "Is this supposed to be making me feel better?!"

Item: Took Father Stroll Parkway home in order to scope out two of the houses Aunt Co told me about. Eh. Traffic was moving too fast for me to get a really good look, but one of them had an old lady watering flowers on the front lawn. (Or maybe it was the house next door to the one for rent.) I took good old Father Stroll all the way home, which I haven't done since I first got my drivers license. Mind trippy. Drove right by the place where Ex and I used to park to look out over the Bay. Gnih.

Message to Someone: You know you let them win, don't you? I honestly wish you the best. Please don't give up. Prove them wrong. Please.


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2003-12-16 - Ow! My Nose!
2003-12-15 - 'Tis the Season...For Moving
2003-11-17 - Rush, Rush
2003-11-03 - Apartment Hunting Sucks
2003-10-22 - Apparently, "nauseated" is a good look for me.

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